Install a wallet, get ETH, bridge it, swap it for PLS.
The easiest way to buy PLS is to
bridge ETH to PulseChain and swap it for PLS on
PulseX. People often receive free PLS for bridging in.
- Install a wallet: like Rabby Wallet, Internet Money, or MetaMask.
- Get ETH:
- Already in crypto? Use deBridge or LlamaSwap to swap other cryptos like BTC or SOL into ETH.
- Bridge from Tron to Ethereum using Allbridge.
- Not in crypto? Buy ETH with bank transfers at Kraken or directly in your wallet.
- Bridge ETH to PulseChain: Use
- Swap for PLS: Use
Need Help?
If you need help, chat with the community:
PulseChain Telegram Group
You could also try
Tokens Express.
You get a better deal if you bridge in DAI instead of ETH because there's more liquidity.
Really Advanced:
You can get an even better deal by bridging in DAI, ETH, USDC, USDT in the ratio of their liquidity before you swap to PLS. You can see rough liquidity on the
PulseX Farms page.
On August 29th, that ratio is roughly 8:5:4:3 DAI, WETH (bridged ETH), USDC, USDT. Spreading your swaps across more pairs provides more liquidity and less slippage, giving you more bang for your buck.